GLYSOLID.com offers shipping within the United States and Canada only. We do not currently deliver to other international addresses. Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii will incur additional shipping charges that will be quoted to you via email.
Delivery Methods
Merchandise is delivered by package carriers such as United States Postal Service, Federal Express and UPS (United Parcel Service) and can be sent via Standard Ground Delivery Only. All Canadian orders are shipped exclusively via the United States Post Office. Please keep in mind that there is no weekend delivery.
To find out when you will receive your item, you need to consider the shipping time of the item you ordered and the shipping option you selected. We use the following equation:
Item Ship Time + Delivery Method Ship Time = Total Delivery Time
For example, if you placed an order for an item with next business day availability and selected Ground Shipping (3 to 7 business days, depending upon where you live), your total delivery time would be 1 business day (availability) + 3 to 7 business days (shipping time). In other words, you could expect your package to be delivered within 4 to 8 business days of placing your order.
Alaska and Hawaii
Additional charges apply to shipments going to Alaska and Hawaii. The cost for this service will be quoted via email.
Large Orders
For orders containing large quantities of merchandise shipping to a single address, please email us at customer service or call 1-800-807-2566 PST.
Standard Shipping Items may be shipped by a variety of carriers.
Domestic Exceptions Apply to APO/FPO, P.O. Boxes, AK, HI, and All Non-UPS Addresses. APO/FPO and P.O. Boxes can be sent only by U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail. Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii will incur additional shipping charges that will be quoted to you via email.